Commercial Office EMF Inspections

Commercial Building Inspection Toronto

  1. RF Radio Frequency Fields
  2. Magnetic Fields
  3. Electric Fields
  4. Dirty Electricity

Full Mitigation Plan

We work to identify the source causing the EMR and come up with a mitigation plan. Source identification is what we specialize in. Mitigation plan includes source identification, and a detailed plan on how to lower levels to Building Biology Standards.

What you can expect from us after your inspection

We encourage you to take part in the office building inspection, and Safe Guard Solutions will be more than happy to answer any questions along the way. You will receive a complete report on how your home faired according to Building Biology Guidelines. We will outline where we can do better and put in place a detailed plan on any improvements needed.

Coming Soon – Sample Report 

Interested in learning more about any of our products or services? Don’t hesitate to connect with us directly: